Searching on Job Boards

Although I think there are plenty of better ways to find yourself a job than a job board, they are still a major player in staffing and job hunting.  The actual site you use will vary depending on what industry you are looking in, but the major ones use similar processes and rules. I will let you in on a couple of secrets and would encourage you to contact me if you have anymore questions or would like more advice.

Searching for a Job:

To most people this will seem fairly elementary, but there are a few tips that I have learned from my years in staffing.  Keywords are typically asked for while searching for a job.  This is pretty standard, but what if you want to search 2 words as you “Keyword?”  If you type in 2 words with a space in between them, the search engine will search for both words individually.  If you want to make it search for both words as one word, place quotation marks around the two words.  This tells the search engine that you want it to treat the words as one!  Pretty nifty huh?

Best time to search for a job on a job board: 

While I wouldn’t necessarily say there is a best time to search on a job board, the time to search if you want to the most open jobs is Monday afternoon – Tuesday morning.  There are a couple of reasons for this.  #1 – Coming off the weekend, hiring managers won’t have everything they need to post a job together until the afternoon.  Very rarely, but it does happen, do managers have their “stuff” ready to go on Monday morning. #2 – When making offers to candidates, most times candidates are given the weekend to decide to accept or decline.  Most of the time it is either agreed upon or assumed, Monday morning will be the time that the decision has to be made.  Whether he/she accepts(in this case they take the job down) or declines(they keep it up or update the job requirements), movement won’t happen until at least Monday afternoon.

Do you have more questions that I didn’t answer?  Contact me on Twitter at @theDSMrecruiter!

Until next time, happy hunting!

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