Searching during the Holidays? Why not!

Typically the end of the year is the worst time to be searching for a new job. Sorry to say it, but it’s true. This also makes the process 10 times more stressful if you NEED a new job. Usually there are 2 reasons for this. Reason #1 is the companies are running out or low on the budget they were allotted at the beginning of the year(managers get a set number that they can use towards new or contract employees). Reason #2 is the managers or decision makers don’t have time to interview. They are either out of the office or too busy with end of the year duties.

So what do you do if you are looking for a job at this time? First thing’s first, keep applying for jobs and talking to people that can help you apply for jobs. The paragraph above does not go for all companies. It is usually the trend that takes place at the end of the year. But one of the more important things you can do is network. This definitely gets over looked by many people during this time. You’ve never networked before? Ok, here are some tips.

-Use LinkedIn ( Since you are looking for a new job, hopefully you have an account set up by now. I have read some articles that say LinkedIn is used by employers more than the job boards out there. It is a MUST if you are looking for a new job.
-Checkout (@meetup) in your area. Meetup sends you weekly emails that list networking events in your area.
-Talk to your friends about it. Tell them that you are looking for people to network with and you would appreciate them introducing you to some of their co-workers, friends, or people that might be able to help you. If they are truly your friend they will have no problem with this.
-If you’re lucky enough to live in Iowa Tech Brew is a great option one Thursday night a month. Head over to (@technologyiowa) and sign up for their distribution list. They send an email reminder a couple days in advance.

So there you have it, your high level guide to networking. When times are slow, this will be one of the most effective uses of your time. Just keep in mind that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know………sometimes.

Happy Hunting!