Make money with this Bracket!

Do you fill out a bracket for the NCAA Tournament every year, just to possibly with a couple bucks?  Well what if I told you there was a bracket, that you could fill out, and make money with 100% certainty?  Would you fill that one out?  I know I would…..I have and I have made money!  What bracket am I talking about?  Your career bracket!

What drives you?  What is your passion?  What is your “Why?”  This is what you need to be “advancing to the next round,” not a basketball team.  I talk to way too many people who are working a job that is “good enough.” Why would you ever settle for that?  This can not only affect you, but affect your personal life as well.  If you’re in a bad mood at work all day, the potential for keeping that bad mood is quite good.  And what do the kids say these days?  Ain’t nobody got time for that….  By no means am I advising you to quit your job today.  I’m advising to always leave the door open to opportunities.  Even if you are working your passion, don’t shut the door completely.

There is no bracket online for this, and to tell you the truth, I don’t expect you to actually fill out a bracket.  I’ve been in the staffing industry for 3.5 years now and I can tell you without hesitation, people who have jobs that are close to their passion are happier and more joyous to be around. So decide what’s important to you and find something that helps you work towards that.

With all of that being said, maybe you are working your passion.  I highly commend you!  Please comment below if you are.  I love to hear from my readers and would enjoy talking to you about your passion!  Or email me a

Until next time seekers, happy hunting!