The Power of your Network!


Have you ever been in desperate need of a job? I hope not, but if you have, you know that feeling where you would do ANYTHING to find a job.  Job boards, write in applications, social media, even walking in to to a store and picking up an application yourself.  What are we forgetting here?  It’s so obvious(to some people) that it is rarely utilized.  I’m talking about the network that you have worked so hard to build up.  Ok, hopefully you have worked so hard to build up.

If you have ever read Bob Beaudine’s book, The Power of Who, you know what I’m talking about.  In the book Bob states something to the effect that you, me , we, already know everyone that we need to know.  Think about that, right now, you know the right person to find you that new job. This doesn’t mean this person will find you the job, but they know someone, who might know someone, you get the point.  Regardless of where you’re at in your career/life, I would suggest reading this book.

Now let’s discuss the previously referred to “network.”  If you think you’re doing it right and you have a couple people in mind who you could call to see if they know any openings, you’re wrong!  In my opinion there should be at least 10 people who you could reach out to in this scenario.  Don’t have that many?  You need to start building ASAP!  How?  Networking should be a daily occurrence.  Meeting a friend for lunch today?  Have that friend invite someone they work with.  Always be meeting new people.  In my opinion, your network is never big enough.  Another book I refer to is “Never Eat Lunch Alone” by Keith Ferrazzi.  I don’t have to explain what’s inside this book, do I?

My points above are simple.  If you think you have a vast network, it could be better.  If you know you don’t have a network, start building it right now!  You never know when you could need it!  I’m constantly touching base with my network.  Not just my professional network, but my personal as well.  Do you have a longer commute home? Call a friend who you haven’t talked to in a while.  Have some time in the morning before you start work?  Send a quick “Hey, how are you doing” email.  Little things like that build your network very fast! LinkedIn is quickly becoming one of the greatest networking tools out there. But don’t stop there, meet people.  This is where “Never Eat Lunch Alone” comes into play. Schedule a meeting to introduce yourself and what you do, or what you’re looking for. This is a quicker than filling out an application or scouring Facebook or Twitter for a new job.

You’re network should give you pride, and it definitely could come in handy when you are in a bind.  Your network wants to help you, utilize it for what its for.

Until I write again, happy hunting!

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